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Energy Healing Techniques

Updated on March 31, 2013

Crystal Energy Healing Techniques

Learn To Balance The

Mind, Body and Spirit.

I am Nara White Owl a Master Instructor of the Crystal Awareness Institute. With 30 years of working in crystal healing.

This lens has been written and arranged to give you the fastest access to energy healing techniques.

All the information using crystals and color stones on this lens have easy instruction to follow.

After years of teaching and using the techniques in this simple easy way of doing crystal healing can help with pain and by using the natural healing process, I'm sure that anyone can do crystal energy healing.

Each section discusses all the crystal healing with completes instructions for their use. Here you are going to find the 8 different energy healing techniques.

All the eight different energy healing techniques on this lens are CEU's units under provider #7311 from the state of California.

Just remember if you are under doctor's care, you should continue to see your doctor.

If you are under doctor care and on medicine remember crystal energy is an alternative healing to balance your body.

On of the best this for stress is crystal energy healing .

Crystal energy work is to help the body balance and put more energy into the cell to help with repair.

When you do crystal healing before and after a surgery you are first giving more energy to the body before the surgery. After surgery by doing crystal healing you are helping the healing of the body.

Yes each person can do crystal healing work, because it is not complicated or magical.

I have people in my workshop from 5 to 65 and for the people that do not feel any energy just understand that 5 minutes is better than nothing.

I'm very happy in sharing this wonderful energy healing system with you.

You can use any two crystals you wish the best is always the ones you like and feel good in your hands.

I'm looking forward to you read this lens and learn how easy crystal energy healing techniques can be used.


Location in California

The Crystal Awareness Institute is in California. For over 30 years all the teachers have focused research on subtle energy, crystals, healing, and sensitivity training.

The Crystal Awareness Institute has taught in 9 countries on 4 continents.

The Crystal Awareness Institute was the first western teaches to teach healing to Japan in February 1996. The Crystal Awareness Institute has teacher all over the United States and Canada and Mexico and United Kingdom.

Also all of the eight different energy healing techniques on this lens are CEU's units under provider #7311 from the state of California.

DaEl Walker



Easy to get started

Here is what you are going to need to do crystal healing work.

I recommend a single terminated clear crystal.

1.For the therapist - two crystals.

2.For your client - two crystals .

3.A place for you client to sit and or lay down.

How to hold your crystals for doing crystal healing.

Hold the crystal in your left hand with the base of the crystal toward the fingers.

Hold the crystal in your right hand with the point of the crystal going down toward your finger.

Crystal Workshop

On April 5, 2013 Nara White Owl is holding a Crystal Workshop

In San Jose, Ca.

For Information email


The Reason For Using The Light Of Invocation

Repeat the light of invocation three times for cleaning your crystals of any and all negative emotions to positive emotions.

Before you start each technique the light of invocation is keeping the energies of each person from merging and protects both the therapist and client.

After starting the technique saying the light of invocation activate the processes of healing.

I invoke the light of the Christ within.

I am a clear and perfect channel.

Light is my guide.

I use the light of invocation for three parts of my crystal healing.

1. To Clear and charge my crystals that way I always have a good vibration in my crystals.

You need to wash your crystals in warm water with soap and then rinse in warm water. Dry your crystals and then put them between your hands and say the Light of Invocation three times.

2. To keep you clients and your energies from merging. I say the Light of Invocation three times.

3. Last I say the Light of Invocation three times to start each of the energy healing techniques using your crystals, this begins the flow of energy.

If you are under stress try this The light of invocation is a great way to get your stress down. By just saying the light of invocation for about 5 minutes you can see how less your stress is.



Thumb Technique

Balancing the chakras allows proper energy flow to the cells and increasing energy in your body.

Here is a simple method balancing the seven major chakra.

Place the tip of your right thumb on the top of the head or Crown Chakra.

Visualize in your mind a clock, now see the hands go from, 8, 9, 10, 11 12.

When the hands on the clock are at 12, now count to 10 so the chakra can stabilize into balancing.

To balance the Third Eye Chakra, place your thumb on the center of the Brow.

Repeat the above technique until this chakra is in balanced.

Continue through all the chakras, as follows:

The Throat Chakra. - located in the center of the neck

The Heart Chakra. - located in the center of the chest

The Solar Plexus Chakra .- located three finger widths above the navel.

The Sacral Chakra. - located just below the navel.

The Base Chakra - the top of the pelvic region.

first aid
first aid


First Aid

Use for this technique as a first aid for simple pain and tension.

The Direct pulse creates a pulsing of bio-energy between the two hands of the therapist.

Ask your client to show you where they are feeling pain or tension.

Remember before your start to say the light of invocation.

The picture below shows the placement of your hands. You need to cover the crystals when doing this technique.

Your crystals are going to be held flat.

Place your left hand crystal on the problem area and your right hand crystal on the opposite side of that part of the body. You are sandwiching your hands between the pain or tension.

By placing the hands on opposite sides of the problems on the body that area gains the benefit of that pulse of energy.

bain balance
bain balance


The right and left brain hemispheres

Brain balance is for putting your right and left brain hemispheres back into balance. The function of logic and reason are locked in the left side of the brain.

The intuitive and automatic are located in the right side of the brain. The left side is said to be male and right side is female. There is a desire to merge the left brain with the right brain into one unified whole brain.

This picture shows where the crystals are placed.

In the center of the brain are two glands, the pineal and the pituitary.

The major functions of the pineal are to control the timing systems of the body, the inner clocks. It also takes in light and prisms it into color and distributes it throughout the body.

The pituitary gland is the master gland for the whole endocrine system and produces the human growth hormone for healing and anti-aging.

Stand behind your client holding your crystals one in each hand and place at top of each ears.

Remember to do the Light of Invocation.

Allows the energy to move through your body and affecting all the major meridians of the body. This sends an extra energy pulsing to the whole body.

It produces a very relaxing sensation, reducing stress and tension.



Stimulation and balance of the circulatory system

The circulatory system is the hydraulic process of movement of fluids in the body.

Blood is pumped through the body bringing oxygen to the cells. Lymph fluid carries away the waste by-products from the cells.

Blockages in the circulatory system can cause disturbance throughout all the body's systems.

This picture demonstrates how the crystals are placed, you will actually hold the crystals as shown below.

The client should be either lying down or standing. The sitting position closes off much of the energy to and from the hips.

The junction is located between the gall bladder 29 and 30 on a acupressure chart, or you can locate the energy center just above and left of the ball joints of the leg and hip, It is a soft, hollow spot when you press.

You need to recite the light of invocation.

Place your left hand crystal with the base on your clients right hip and your right hand crystal is placed with the point into your clients body.

The Circulatory Balance is excellent for stimulating sluggish circulation and it is very good for any blood-related problem.

crystal work
crystal work


Most of the meridians exit at the feet.

Most of the meridians, the inner magnetic flow lines of the body, exit at the feet almost all your nervous end up at the top or bottom of your feet. This technique also leads to the organs of the body.

You are going to say the light of invocation.

This picture shows how the crystals need to be paced.

Your client can sit but lying down is the best for this technique.

Place your left hand crystal in the center of the arch of the right foot and your right hand crystal in the arch of the left foot.

your hands need to be flat with the crystal between your hand and the bottom of the foot as shown in the picture to the left.

The Neurological technique is excellent for reducing stress and stiffness in the body. It is very good for problems of the feet and legs.

However, it will benefit all the major organs and open up energy meridian lines for more efficient energy flow. For that reason it helps accelerate healing for any problem.

It is especially good for the nervous system, which is the "electrical energy" for all movement of the body. Ten to fifteen minutes on the feet is a great stress reliever.


Balance for the four levels of physical,emotions,mind and spiritual

The Four color techniques are similar to the Direct Pulse, except you add the four color rays: green, pink, blue, and purple.

These represent the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

This technique work on the whole consciousness, not just the physical.

Before starting say the light of invocation.

As the therapies you now need to take your left hand crystal and replace it with a color stone.

Your right crystal is the same as in all the techniques.

Place your left hand against the problem area and your right hand on the opposite side of the body.

Also you can just do the four color technique at the thymus gland.

I Call To The Color Green

To flow over the Master Blueprint of the perfect cell memory and place this body back into physically balance.

Just hold your stone and count to 10.

I Call To The Color Pink

To flow over the Master Blueprint of the perfect cell memory and place this body back into emotionally balance.

Again count to 10.

I Call To The Color Blue

To flow over the Master Blueprint of the perfect cell memory and place this body back into mentally balance.

Once again count to 10.

I Call To The Color Purple

To flow over the Master Blueprint of the perfect cell memory and place this body back into spiritually balance.

Now count to 10.

crystal work
crystal work


This energy technique will help you to use your increased sensitivity.

The Aura Scan is a method of detection and correction of imbalances in the energy field of the body.

When all the areas are balanced, tensions and often pain leave the body. This method reduces muscle tension and emotional stress.

Have your client lay on their back.

Hold your crystals in your both hands.

You need to say the light of invocation

crstal work
crstal work

Crystal Aura Scan

Part Two

In this picture you can see how to scan the body. Hold your right crystal between your thumb and first three fingers and scan the body about 4" above, starting at the head. Feel the energy of the body and look for something different.

When something is detected, point the tip of the crystal to that area and begin a circular clockwise motion about 6 times works then make a downward until you can touch the point of the crystal to the point of the problem.

crytal work
crytal work

Crystal Aura Scan

Part Three

This picture shows you how to make the clockwise motion downward to the body

Continue scanning until you reach the feet.

Rescan the body going from the feet back up to the head. If any other blockages are detected, repeat the clockwise motion to bring the energy back into balance, then rescan.

When you no longer detect any blockages, imagine the client has feathers all over the body. Smooth down the feathers.

Have the client turn over and lie on their stomach.

Scan the back in the same way and when finished smooth down the feathers.


This technique is very simple

First remember to do the The Light Of Invocation . Place your left hand with the crystal in the right hand of the client and your right hand with the crystal in the client's left hand. Now say again The Light Of Invocation .

This works on the inner meridians of the upper chakras and bringing them into balance and then begins to move slowly down.

To do the Hand Balance on yourself simply hold your two hands together in the prayer position.

Ailments: Problems of the hands, arms, shoulders and neck. Stiffness, Arthritis, Tendonitis, Soreness.


By Nara White Owl

I wish to answer a question .

Rose has ask me this one Nara " When I get home from work I'm so tried what can I do with the crystal to get my energy back up?"

For Rose and anyone else that maybe thinking this question you can help yourself all you need to do is take your crystal one in each hand and close your hand around the crystals and say The Light Of Invocation three times.

You may take the time you wish for this technique.

As I get more question I'll add then to the lens on what technique is the best one.

Kathy ask, "Nara I get headache all the time can anything help?" To Kathy and anyone else trying doing the Brian Balance.

I have had the question come up can I use color stones in doing all the technique, you can if that's all you have, but it is better to use clear crystals.

Dan ask me "Nara can I use a man made crystal?" I have found the energy is not that good in man made crystals.

Sue ask " Nara can I use a crystal that is one crystal on one end and anything crystal on the other end?" You can if that's all you have again clear is the best.

Matt ask" Nara can I hold two color stone in each hand and do the four color technique?: Yes is can work good for you.

Hope this helps other with question that have come up and feel free to sign in and ask your question.

Are You Looking For Clear Quartz Crystal From Brazil

Clear Quartz - Rock Crystal

Sometimes known as crystal or rock crystal, quartz is one of the most plentiful as well as one of the most beautiful and versatile minerals in a metaphysical sense.


Long, pointed crystals, some transparent, some milky or striated.

Properties: One of the most powerful healing stones. An energy amplifier; doubles auric field, storing, releasing and regulating energy on physical and mental dimensions. Generates electromagnetic energy and dispels static electricity.


CRYSTALS AND COLOR STONE FOR DOING ENGERY WORK - Here are a few places to get crystals and color stones

When doing the Crystal Energy Healing Techniques you do need crystals and color stone.

If you do not have a rock store or a gem show that you can go to try looking at what amazon has.

Something Glassy Raw Unpolished Brazilian Quartz Crystal Points Healing Stones Metaphysical One Pound Medium Sized
Something Glassy Raw Unpolished Brazilian Quartz Crystal Points Healing Stones Metaphysical One Pound Medium Sized
Product Description One pound of crystal clear quartz points. Each point is about 1 1/2 to 3 inches average length.
Hypnotic Gems 2 Pounds Brazilian Tumbled Polished Natural Stones Assorted Mix - Medium Size - 1" to 1.5" Avg.
Hypnotic Gems 2 Pounds Brazilian Tumbled Polished Natural Stones Assorted Mix - Medium Size - 1" to 1.5" Avg.
all natural stones Rose Quartz, Sodalite, Tigereye, Howlite, Snowflake Obsidian, Jasper, Amethyst, Quartz, Blue Chalcedony 3/4-1+ inch average size


Now that you have had the time to read this lens and maybe try some of the crystal healing techniques how about taken the poll ?

Is it a yes or maybe or not sure

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Here are some good books on crystal healing.

CRYSTAL HEALING THERAPIST ON SQUDIOO - Look at some of the other lens on crystal healing

As you have time look around squidoo at other lens.

CRYSTAL TECHNIQUES COURSE ON THE WEB - Here Are Some Other Websites For Crystal Techniques

I have pick out some other website for you to look at just an other ways to do crystal healing techniques. Each course has a different way of teaching how to use crystals. You are the one that has to pick the one that is going to work best for. Sometimes it's just the way it is said or showing how to do a technique that makes it easier for you to understand. Take sometime and look around and have fun.

I would love to hear about your experiences with Crystal Healing or What you think about it.

Don't be shy, at least say hello, I would love to hear from you!


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